Americans are eager for the quarantine to end. We want to get back to whining and bitching about more relevant things. My mocha was cold. The waitress took to long. My throw pillows were late. My baker said he would not bake a gluten cake. My shoes are to tight. Why are cookies so expensive. That donut made me sick. The mechanic charged to much to keep my car running. My nails were destroyed by their incompetence. Worst haircut ever. Where are all the good women? I don’t like the attitude of that retail clerk. I had to wait to long for downloads. I saw somebody walking around our neighborhood with a clip board,I called the Police. The Post Office deserves to fail. Why should my taxes support a Library ? Teachers are paid to much. Why should we have to pay taxes for emergency services? My boyfriend is ghosting me. My ammo is to expensive. I am sick of having to wait this long for service. The place smelled funny. My friends don’t like me enough on Facebook. They take our jobs. My wife pisses me off. My dog has worms. My cat has worms. I have worms. Where are all the good men? My girl refuses to have sex with me unless I wash my feet. Someone scratched my car. I am to smart for most people. My neighbors cook out and it stinks. No one likes me.Socks are not good quality anymore. Avacado oil is to expensive. He offended my therapist charges to much. Blah, Blah, Blah,Blah ,Blah.