Boomers are fond of calling millennials entitled and irresponsible. As Anne Helen Petersen shows, it’s just a convenient excuse they use for electing leaders that systematically stripped away every possible means of social mobility over the last three decades.
In 1975 I was earning 200.00 per week. Driving for a delivery service in Long Beach Ca. I could rent a studio apartment ,3 blocks from the beach, for 250.00 a month. No credit check !! TV was free, phone expense was minimal. Maybe 12.00 per month ? We did not need internet, no cell phones, by a long shot. Gas /Electric was super cheap. Maybe 25.00 to 35.00 per month. No subscriptions except newspaper and magazines. If you chose. Groceries were cheap. Everything was reasonable. As an example, I remember going to breakfast frequently at 'The Park Pantry' near Bixby Park in Long Beach. You would have to work to spend $5.00 on breakfast. That would require a take home doggie bag.
Anyone who thinks the latest generation of young people are lazy ,irresponsible or whiny can go fuck themselves. I am a Boomer. Nothin I can do about that. I was born 1951. I had the best of everything this system could offer. Just so regretful I did not do more to honor the next generations. It's my cross to bear. As is true for all Boomers. I am at least grateful, I can face the truth. You are one of my favorite writers on Medium. Your honesty and precision writing always grabs me. Thank you Jessica.