Brian,Thank you. 'This from a man who once compared his womanizing during the Vietnam War as his own kind of “war.” It was tough sleeping with so many women whose boyfriends were off defending the nation in the jungles of Southeast Asia. ' Where are my Brother's in Arms? Why are they silent? Have they forgotten 'The Draft?' The Selective Service. Learning to kill? Where is the mourning over lost beauty and grace. The aspiring artist who was torn to bits by shrapnel? The sensitive poet. Face blown off. The 'Redneck' from Alabama, Confederate Flag on his helmet.He would die for his black Brother's in a fire fight. The Black Power Brother who laid it down so others may live. Procreate. Who wants to be dead? Craven cowards hide behind big talk. So brave with their big guns and Camo. So ready to kill for 'Patriotism.' (You can measure a mans ego and dick by how big he tries to make himself appear.) Remember....please remember my Brothers and Sisters,there will be blood. There will be corpses. Some will be your children. 'God Fearing' or, otherwise. The scum has risen to the top. The putrefaction and its infection has seeped into your water. Now you poison every well.(You are already dead.) May someone take mercy upon you. Put you out of your misery. Yet stay, I have another thought. Watch their children build the Funeral pyre on which their lifeless corpses burn and send a stench to their 'God' of vengeance,retribution and pure hate.. A final prayer. My God, what have we done? If your God replies, it will be,"You did my will. I am a God of Death". Memento mori