In a related story,The 'Weekly World News' reports: David Icke and Alex Jones were dispatched to the White House. Our source reports, POTUS holds them in the highest 'regard.' a staffer was quoted,"They will form an investigatory team assigned to ferret out and hold accountable the so called 'Scientists' who do not confirm our theories.
''They think they are so smart.' Mr. Icke, retired sports reporter/broadcaster, interviewed recently , has evidence of a new form of life. 'Reptilians' are very real but the latest contender from deep space are the 'Amphibianites '
Think about it? Why would there be only 'Reptilians' from space? " The 'Amphibianites' are also featured in the Bible. What the hell did you think the 'Plague of Frogs' was all about in Egypt? You know Moses and all that….hmmm?
Think about it. Alex Jones, former Alligator wrestler and Steve Bannon's public relations manager, snarled guttural sounds and did a big rail of cocaine.
" I can't say what I want because of Fake News taking it out of context.' This is the reason I subscribe to and, trust, Weekly World News. I'm so angry !