'No understanding of sacrifice for the good of the nation, just worshiping that orange, draft-dodging clown and watching that Fox, Ed continued. Me, me, me, he added, whiners the whole lot of them.' Brian,this piece gripped and held me. I have tried to put together similar scenario on paper but, it pales by comparison, to this finely crafted piece.This story is visceral,moving and so fucking sad. Do you know that feeling you get when you are about to cry? I call it being 'choked up'. I have that,as I try to write the most perceptive comments possible. I am tired of being angry at the arrogance and ignorance bleeding from guys like your character.'Mr. Jackson'.More than that,I am sickened at the routine disdain shown fellow 'Americans',their hopes ,dreams children's futures.Hell,their own children's futures.They dismiss and discard struggling, fellow American's,hope,dreams,history,accomplishments .Even kindness,honor and nobility. .Everything worthwhile, all thrown into their cesspool of personal putrefaction. Their 'Messiah' requires everything be saturated with the rancid stench of his personal self interest. A cruel and pointless loyalty to a'Death Cult Leader.' A narcissistic coward. A sociopath. Anyway,too many feelings right now. Just to say I'm grateful I found this piece. I wanted to honor it with meaningful response. I truly hope all is well with you,your friends, family,your kids ,all the people you protect from 'Mr. Jackson' and his ilk.The genuine human beings, who move you to write, from the heart and gut. Thank you Brian.