Okay, if one interviews the Union Members on a picket line and then interview their wage masters you get some very different results.Especially if you interview the shareholders and Board of Directors. I have concluded there are 2 types of Trump cult followers. Those who have drank the Kool Aid then there are those in line to so. The folks who drank it appear to be doing well enough. Hey the stock market is doing well. So what ? I'm in the market. I know most people I meet are not. Maybe a 401K or some College fund. Maybe some mutual funds.No matter,most of the people I meet daily,are not invested in any market. I live in a ghetto, Why? I'm on Social Security. Around me about 30 folks using Oregon Health Plan, S.S.I, disability,Medicaid, Social Security, Free food ,food stamps,subsidized housing and so on, Socialist safety net programs. A side note: To a man and woman, they hate Socialism. Parasites resenting their host. Now,I may be missing something here but I do not feel ,nor believe, these people are a top notch demographic for the Democratic party. Sure as hell not for the Republican party. Here's the gut punch. They invariably are ardent, almost to the point of hard on over Trump. The potency of Trumps 'magic dust' is astounding. These people love Trump. I mean devoted. Seems like two types,Those who have joined the 'Trumpian Death Cult 'and those still thinking about joining. I know about 30 voters in this little ghetto who have already decided to take the Death March. (Here's a final gut punch. No one polls this demographic.)