Paul, you got it so right about the Alamo. You correctly placed it at # 1, I respect that.
I was 10 years old when John Wayne's semi-comical and, almost completely false, 'Alamo' was shown in our local theater. I had the Marx Alamo playset. I had a coonskin cap and flintlock replica cap guns, a replica rubber Bowie knife a replica fringed, fake buckskin shirt, which got destroyed pretty quickly playing war.
I watched 'Davy Crockett at the Alamo' starring Fess Parker. Did a seventh grade oral book report on the Alamo. Yeah, I was obsessed with the Alamo.
I also recommend a great book ,'Three Roads to the Alamo.' by William C. Davis. A complete and accurate reporting on Crockett, Bowie and Travis and their intersecting paths leading to the Alamo siege.
As a human, with an insatiable curious nature, I grew to know the facts and the truths behind what was the defining moment of the rebellion in Texas in 1838.
Thanks again, its a great article and I have to agree with your assessment of other movies that got it right. Kudos to you sir. (p.s.) The incredible, John Wayne's complete ,'Alamo' movie set still exists in Brackettville ,Texas, a road trip on my bucket list.