Personality disorders are tough to deal with. My problem started to become obvious first year of middle school. The 1960’s authoritarian response was less than effective. No one knew what to do or how to deal with me. I just learned to hide ,lie and steal with more planning and secrecy. As an adult alcoholism ,drugs ,sex thieving.
Paranoia and rage became dominant. Guns represent control. Conspiracy theories and even religion were good hiding places. I got therapy finally. AA was a fair starting point.
Although it is populated by many ,far more predatory men , than me. I’m lucky never to have gone to prison or, physically harmed anyone. I hid that well.
This is a heartbreaking story. You are kind and so patient. Believe me, there was nothing you or your colleagues could have done for this tragic young man. He may have already killed himself .got therapy for himself or, he is in prison. Those are not unlikely outcomes for donut males.