Prayer For’ The Donald’
Let us pray. ‘Dear Lord,we beseech you to put your loving hands upon our beloved brother ‘The Donald’ and release him from his suffering. His struggle is heroic Father but we believe from your infinite compassion, you will see he is suffering intense agony. Although, the martyr’s heroic struggle is what forges stronger faith,we would plead for a peaceful release unto death for our dear Brother ‘The Donald.’ As you have shown such wondrous compassionate deliverance, from this ‘vale of tears ‘ to so many suffering from the plague .Oh Dear God of Salvation,we also pray you Heavenly Father for the purging of the name ‘Trump’ or ‘The Donald ‘from all recorded History including the akashic records. Lord God, we know, in his humble,altruistic and beneficent, ‘heart of hearts’, ‘The Donald’ would have it so. As our dear brother has demonstrated, he would rather your heavenly light shine upon his acolytes and bearers of your torch of truth than to be worshiped as a Saint..Memento Mori