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Q-Anon and White Trash Notes
The people I’ve interviewed about Q-Anon seem emotionally stuck at about 15 to 17 years old. I would say, many committed adherents to Q-anon are true ‘white trash.’ My experience is, these are weak minded people, they need simple minded, blanket conspiracies to parrot back and dissolve any semblance of civil discourse.
Spending most of their time looking up crazy shit on their ‘smart phones’. Also a very visible, chronic use of a variety of substances. Pot, alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals. They commonly believe, Covid-19 is a United Nations ‘population control’ scheme and a fraud. Wearing a mask makes you a ‘sheep’ and is an infringement on personal freedoms. Bill Gates is the ‘evil overlord’ of vaccines. A tracking chip is installed in everyone who gets the vaccine. As in ‘mark of the beast.’ from the lovely book of Revelations written by a psychotic, paranoid.
The fires in California are a massive conspiracy part of ‘Agenda 21’ through the United Nations. Lasers are being used to deliberately scorch rural California in order to move the populace into urban areas for better population containment. Probably, Zionist funded through George Soros. Of course the election was rigged. All Democrats are evil and, will get what they deserve.
Powerful Democrat, political and cultural icons are raping children, drinking their blood and harvesting organs. Evil cabal, trafficking children and doing horrible things to them. Even Tom Hanks is now described as evil and a heinous pedophile.