When the Angelic Horde received their marching orders from Paula White there was some confusion and consternation among the Angelic Horde. The board of directors of the 'Horde' recalled the last time someone had pleaded and begged for
Heavenly intervention was maybe 1938-39. Was definitely transmitted from Germany. the Catholic church put out the plea for 'Angelic Intervention' for the glorious leader of Germany at that time. Archangel Michael recalled it as the most " fucked up call I ever received." He added,'The glorious leader of Germany at that time was a deluded psychotic. A maniacal murderer and just all round 'nasty son of a bitch.' As a side note, I was informed his name has been erased from the book of life and the Akashic records. "Michael was very clear on the status of Paula White's 'babbling 'Glossolalia' call for the Horde. It was made clear to me there is no tolerance within the 'Horde' for baby talk and whining 'intercession' bullshit. Michael and Gabriel were both put off by the ludicrous nature of Ms. White's performance. Gabe said,"There's no way we will send the 'Horde' out on this piss poor mission. What the hell? Doesn't our experience count for something?' look what happened the last time .Think Germany 1930's. Christ almighty,WHY would anyone want to get caught in that shit storm again?" Tell that bitch to go back to stealing money from people.That's what she does best. I can put her in touch with someone who probably will take on the challenge. He prefers email, @ www.masterbeelzebub.com. There will a steep price to pay but, Ms. white appears to already have leased her soul to Master Beelzebub. Not much of a stretch to selling it outright."