When the Machine breaks down we break down.

Lane Taylor
1 min readOct 14, 2020

Used to be, one could awaken in the A.M. hungover or otherwise, and be reasonably safe. The World in which our fellow humans had a semblance of order. No matter the burden, shouldered our weight, carrying on. At least to the next day. We would tolerate the defects and overall bad odors of imperfections, defects and differences in opinion of our fellow citizens. Now, not so much. Seems everything is measured by not what, but who, you believe in. I always had a reasonably open mind. One might ask the question ,” What good is a feeble mind, open or otherwise? I give you that. I am not a smart person. So what? Seems like one of the side paths we took led us to where we are nowadays. It may surprise you ‘brainy folk’ some of us ‘Hillbillies’ do have something to say. Do you think this whole ‘ugly reality’ is what less intelligent people desire? How the hell did we get here? I thought humans could do better. I reckon I must be wrong.

