White Trash Tales (How I discovered the Most Awful ‘White’ People in the Universe)Introduction
Allow me just a couple of moments to put out a disclaimer. If you are easily offended by someone elaborating truth about ‘White Trash’ folks and don’t want to believe, White Trash folks are worse than any other group stop reading. Dangerously feral and a potential ‘lynch mob’. Read no further.
These are some of the people scamming Social Security Disability ,Mental Health Services ,Addiction Treatment Programs, Food Closets, Faith based programs. anywhere they can find it.
Malingerers, leeches, spongers ,mooches ,parasites, useless sand baggers. Grifters, liars, cheats, stupid, ignorant, willfully ignorant ,self centered, thoughtless.
Dangerous, violent ,feral, lazy, losers. If you are offended, do not read further. I aim to offend. I aim to vent my anger and resentment due these ‘grifters’.
Read at you own risk.
I am talking about ‘White’ people. ‘Proud White’ people. Dishonest, ‘White Trash’ people, who have been sucking at the Government tit and, feeding in the trough for decades.
The kind that would steal your wallet then help you look for it.
The kind who borrow money then become indignant when you ask to be repaid.
The kind who refuse to pay for trash service then stuff their shit in other peoples cans at 3:00 in the morning.
The kind who have family members sleeping in their garages or, living room, twin mattresses on the floor. Breaking rental and lease agreements to save on rent.
The kind who bitch about everything costing too much but, always seem to have cigarettes ,beer ,booze and dope.
The kind who have no credit score.
The kind who refuse to read anything‘.’ anything at all. The kind who do not spay or neuter their animals. Who won’t even pick up their own cigarette butts. The kind who smoke cigarettes openly. they get pissed when someone tells them they find it offensive & dangerous.
The kind who let their dogs shit where they want.
The kind who do not even care that you are a decent ,civil, law abiding and concerned citizen. They symbolically spit in your face. They have no shame.
The kind who love guns. The kind who talk about ‘Civil War’ and want violence. The kind who have nothing to lose.
What happens to these people when they have no more free government benefits ?
The kind who have become conditioned and feel entitled somehow because they are White. (Though they have done nothing to make a contribution to civil society) The kind who don’t give a shit if libraries, good schools, decency and honor exist. They are mostly, unregistered to vote, or registered 2016–2020 only to vote for Trump.
The kind who disbelieve Science. The kind who say they believe in God, yet act and live like animals.
The kind who say they ‘don’t believe in abortions’. (This, because they have free pre-natal, post natal care through the Oregon Health Plan. The kind who smoke, drink and and do drugs while pregnant.(Every baby means an uptick in benefits and free stuff.)
The kind who love and ‘Support’ our Troops’ yet have never served ,or even tried. The kind that take free food from charity yet never volunteer to help out others with same.
The kind who hate black and brown people because they, get ‘free benefits’, just like they do.
The difference, they are owed benefits because they were ‘born in the U.S.A.’
In Oregon they get free Medical care through the Oregon Health Plan. These same creatures hate Socialism. The kind who hate Obama Care and Medicare for all. The kind who are on Social Security Disability for LIFE !
The kind who have some sort of bullshit, mental health disability claim. Won’t ever go to work because they will lose their’ FREE’ Health Insurance. Health Insurance paid by and, through the efforts of hard working ,civic minded tax payers.
The kind who detest anyone who relies on facts and science. The kind who deny climate change. It’s a Chinese / United Nations conspiracy.
The kind who don’t give a shit about how many people the United States and our allies mutilate ,maim, vaporize and and murder in foreign countries.
The kind who are the rankest form of White Supremacist. A ready made ‘lynch mob’. They all have smart phones and seem to never to be at a loss for some mindless repetition of the latest ‘Conspiracy’ theories.
Q-anon their ‘Hero.’ Anti Vaxer’s, anti- masker’s.
High profile Democrats drinking the fluids of live, tortured infants to achieve immortality. Hollywood celebrities involved in a world wide, child sex trafficking ,cannibalistic cabal .A kindergarten Teacher on You Tube ,who overnight, is an authority indeed, an expert on vaccinations.
They all worship Donald Trump.
I mean, WORSHIP.
Grifters ,liars, cheats and malingerers always admire the same qualities in someone who is super successful at fucking people, institutions and or the ‘System’.
These same people have few or, no morals. No ethics. They live by one rule. ‘Take anything and everything you can get for free.’ Truth about the very sad nature of the the worst White people I have ever met. 50+ years as an adult and mostly, responsible, taxpaying citizen.
I hope I captured the essence of this feral and arrogantly, ignorant population. I have lived among such creatures for 9 months.
The ‘belly of the beast’ as it were. Done interviews, spent time with them and, at first had a bit of empathy. Now I have none.
These are not the noble’ Okies’ from ‘Grapes of Wrath’. Just low life, White Trash.