Whoa... Shit...this was a very difficult read. I maintained discipline out of respect for your passion to describe something most men,and women never discuss. This was one of the most moving and profound articles I have ever read. Here it is :What man wants to tell another man he is into the most depraved and dehumanizing 'art form?'in the History of humankind. One thing I know is men do not gather together in a 'Porn Bar' to watch teenagers being ass pounded by some drugged out street thug,being paid in cocaine or heroin. Pornography is feral. Men who join in it's glorification are a bane to men who do not. Rabid.You can smell it and taste in the air around any male who glorifies abuse of females.Men gather together in a 'Sports Bar' watch football,basketball,baseball,hockey etc. 'Men' then return to the security of a darkened room to drink the lust of rabid pornography and feral sexual exploitation . (Even when they have daughter's.) Shame is relative to age. The younger a man,the less shame.. Rogue males. Very dangerous. (In the natural Kingdom Rogue males are outsiders.Driven out by the mature males.)Still, feeling entitled to some kind of 'pass' on his poisonous personality, he goes home and views rapes ,beatings and gang bangs on teenagers. Tell me, how is he not less than a man, afterwards? They shoot Horses Don't They ? Thanks for truth.