Wow, I thought I was depressed and drinking too much before I read this. Sadly the liquor store is now closed. I have to say you hit the mark. I hardly make eye contact with people anymore. Anti maskers, anti vaxxers, Q-anon nut bags, gun toting, itchy trigger finger mad muggers, Kool- aid drinking Trump loving death cultists.
Haters who hate based on one's political view. The list goes on ad nauseum.
I am 70 years old and born in America. Raised in the Baptist Church and self educated. I believe what you have related in this piece rings truer than a lot of Americans are able to admit.
Then again, a very sizable number of us are in chronic denial. I mean we believe a psychopath can 'Make America Great Again' and Jesus is coming back. News flash Jesus ain't about to come back. If he did , I truly believe he would dispatch his most vocal and ardent supporters to Hell. Oh wait, they are already there !