Wow,what a shit deal for you. I'm sorry your dad has 'drunk the kool-aid.' Trump and his crime family are playing the end game. They are going for broke.(When cornered, rats get very aggressive and unpredictable.) I know people who have signed up for Trump's 'death march.' They got their flags,signs hats. They got their rallies. What fun. Is that why they all sound so angry,so,so miserable. Doom. Fate sealed, false pride, petty resentments, willful ignorance. False Patriotism. One dimensional and, that shrinking exponentially. Just like their craven coward,psychopathic 'Jim Jones ' wannabe. (At least Jim Jones started out doing good works.) The problem is, 'Dad' now has to continue to justify his altered state of mind and loss of true masculinity. There is nothing noble ,true or honorable about Trump. There is not one thing about Trump which could redeem him,even a little. But, he is the Devil your Pop now knows. One who makes a deal with the Devil has sold his integrity and independence. (Faustian?) Donald Trump ?? Hey here's a question for 'Pop' ,would he take a bullet for Trump? Or,would he use his kid as shield? Is your Dad's life that cheap? Is yours? honore et amore veritatis. Memento mori