Yeah,that's some heavy shit. I read this with pauses in between to be sure the impact was, as you intended. I am a white male, I have done things in this life I don't care to discuss. I have always been remorseful for any advantage I have taken. I have been a thief,a liar a usurper,a con man.Every woman I have known is a survivor. Anything else? I just want to say,we are how we are,and shaped to be that way for survival. I have come to terms with my past. I was never evil. I know that's a low bar. I get it. However, there is a line any man has to draw which he will not cross over. This culture draws forth the worst aspects of maleness. Don't cry. Take your punishment like a man.My favorite was 'Do you think that's funny?" "Wipe that smirk off your face or I will wipe it off for you.". So on and, so forth. Well,I learned early on people will buy a convincing lie before they will believe the truth. Sad stuff. Growing up in a culture of white male privilege.