PinnedTrumpian’s can start their own Country ‘The Land No Country Wants to Claim’I recently read an article titled ‘The Land No Country Wants to Claim’ by Daniel Ganniger.Feb 8, 20216Feb 8, 20216
PinnedThe Haunted ParkersI remember the Parker’s. You cross the creek bout two miles down a dirt road and through the wood. Then you are at the Parker’s house.Jan 19, 20212Jan 19, 20212
PinnedKenneth Copeland:An Anecdotal Remembrance of Kenneth Copeland’s Grandpa Buford Kenneth CopelandI grew up with Kenny Copeland. We attended the same church. The Church of ‘St. Vitas- Holy Prophet of God Assembly.’ I will always…Dec 5, 20202Dec 5, 20202
PinnedBruce!! we need you now more than ever.Could Bruce Springsteen save America? I love good music. Most genres.I really love it when it touches something inside which I can’t…Oct 30, 20202Oct 30, 20202
PinnedMACA ‘Make America Crunchy Again’ Capt.Crunch for PresidentA dedicated team is currently vetting and evaluating the potential of a Capt. Crunch/Mr. ‘T’ ticket. Campaign slogan: ‘MACA’ ‘Make America…Oct 17, 20203Oct 17, 20203
Four Drunks on a Porch (Part 1)You could call me a derelict, I suppose. Not surprising I would find myself in the company of same.Sep 20, 2022Sep 20, 2022
Hey Mark, I appreciate your piece. Thank you for your insight. Refreshing.This is something from a much darker place.May 31, 2021May 31, 2021